" /> Sugar Injures Your Health- Diet and Nutrition Can Heal You
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Eating sugar creates a negative cycle and consequently injures your health. Specifically, the cycle includes addiction, obesity, diabetes, cognitive decline, and mood alteration. To reverse the cycle, you can eliminate, substitute or reduce sugar intake.

Sugar Injures Health and is Addictive

Sweet foods produce addiction-like effects in the human brain. Similarly, sugar has a drug-like effect in the reward center of the brain. Moreover, it causes loss of control, overeating, and weight gain.

Sugar and Obesity

The more we eat sugary foods, the more we want sugary foods. Consequently, we gain weight and are unable to curb our desire for sugar-filled foods. Overeating foods high in sugar causes diabetes.  


Type 2 diabetes is caused by diet and other environmental factors. The cells become overwhelmed by insulin. Over time, the cells stop responding because there is so much insulin. As a result, the cells become insulin resistant. The pancreas keeps making more insulin to try to make the cells respond. At some point, the pancreas must stop. The blood sugar continues to rise. Having excessive sugar in the bloodstream damages the body.  

Cognitive Decline

Long-term diabetes has a negative impact on the brain. It can lead to small-vessel disease. Small-vessel disease restricts blood flow in the brain. The effect is cognitive impairment. If severe enough, it can spur the development of vascular dementia.


A 2009 Study linked excess glucose consumption to memory and cognitive decline. In 2017, a study in Scientific Report linked sugar to depression and mood alteration.


In conclusion, begin by getting rid of sugar and sugary foods in your home. Learn to satisfy your sweet tooth with fresh fruits. The body processes fresh fruits much differently than it processes sugar. Eating fresh fruit has a positive impact on your body.

For example, substitute sugar with substances like:

  • Stevia
  • Sugar Alcohols (erythritol, xylitol Maltitol)
  • Monk Fruit Sweetener
  • Dates
  • Maple Syrup
  • Honey

Dump the sugar to heal your body and your mind.