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Seven Steps To Turn Back the Clock on Brain-Based Aging


In a previous blog post, we discussed the ten things to look for when determining potential Alzheimer’s disease and the five  factors that cause Alzheimer’s disease.  Now we turn to the seven steps to create a healthy brain:


  1. Heal the gut-This allows vitamins to be better absorbed; it produces vitamin B; it produces neurotransmitters; it modulates the immune systems and it moderates candida growth.  Your Primary Care Physician (PCP) or a functional medicine doctor can provide gut testing protocols to determine unhealthy gut issues.


  1.  Balance Hormones- High levels of cortisol can burn out the brain, especially at night. Your PCP or a  functional medicine doctor can run protocols to determine hormonal levels.


  1. Balance Blood Sugar- Your primary care physician can test your blood sugar; Life Extensions allows you to test your own blood sugar; Stephen Cabral’s website allows you to get your blood sugar tested.  Once done, change your diet to obtain healthy blood sugar.


  1.  Exercise Plan-It is important to get oxygen to the brain.  Thirty minutes, five days per week will help get oxygen to the brain on a regular basis.

  1. Address Genetic Issues- Genetic testing allows you to determine  genetic issues.  


  1.  Remove Metals-There are tests to determine levels of metals in the body and ways to remove the metals.  


  1.  Remove Toxins from the Liver– There are many liver detox programs on the market.  However, the first step is to begin  with the foods we eat that help repair the liver:
  • Plenty of water/ Lemon water 
  • Green tea
  • Berries
  • Oatmeal
  • Plant foods generally and particularly kale
  • Fatty Fish 
  • And many more

     Foods to avoid:

  • Alcohol
  • Sugary foods
  • Fried foods
  • Salt
  • White bread, rice, pasta…
  • Red meat



Dr. Stephen Cabral shares the medicines that help slow signs of memory deficit.   Only functional medicine brands should be used. Always consult with your medical doctor regarding your specific facts and any pre-existing conditions or current medications and potential interactions which could occur with additional supplements.



Nicotinamide Riboside

Coenzyme Q10 Ubiquinol

Active B Complex

Methylated B-12

Curcumin theracurmin

Adrenal Soothe

Bacopa herb

Gotu Kola


Disclaimer:  We here at Sandwiched Matriarch and Money (SMM)  are not doctors and the information contained on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  All content available through this site is for general informational purposes only .  


SMM makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained on or available through this web site.  You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition treatment with your physician.