" /> Take time for me
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The year 2020 is one for the record books.  It will be remembered for many things, but the two that come to my mind are political scandals and Covid-19, coronavirus. 

It is hard for me to believe that we are in the 2nd month of the year of 2021 and many of us are looking at this year as a start over, reset, do-over; whatever you want to call it, the focus is getting adjusted to our new normal. 

Our new normal consists of things like teleworking, zoom meetings, temperature checks, face coverings, social distancing, and drive-through celebrations, just to name a few. 

Many of us have experienced a loss as a result of the 2020 pandemic. It may have been the death of a family member or friend, or loss of income due to unemployment or business closure.  These things have a direct impact on our emotional, mental, and physical well-being.  I am of the opinion, that today more than ever, we need to focus on ourselves. 

So how do we stay healthy?  We do so by washing our hands more often, sanitizing frequently touched surfaces, and wearing face coverings.  Some of us have already been vaccinated, while others of us are still skeptical and have decided to wait a while. 

Take Time for Me

There are so many unknowns.  What I do know is, it’s ok to be selfish and take time for me. Selfishness is often viewed as a negative or bad thing.  However, being a little selfish to take care of your emotional, mental, and physical health is a positive thing. I read somewhere that being selfish reflects the idea of pursuing your own happiness and making yourself a priority.

I don’t travel as much since becoming a sandwiched matriarch.  However, when I was traveling, I can recall the flight attendant going over the safety procedures and instructed, in the event of an emergency to put your oxygen mask on first before assisting others.  Putting on your oxygen means taking care of yourself, take time for me.

How I Manage Stress

I will share with you a few of the “take time for me” things that I do to help manage stress:

  • Work therapy:  Working is therapeutic for me. I retired when I was 52 years old, ten years prior to being able to draw social security.  So I decided to work part-time in a position that was totally different from the one I retired from, with far less responsibility. Because I love to shop,  I can use retail therapy without feeling guilty. Some benefits to work therapy:  discount on purchases, and getting out of the house a few hours a week.  Also, I am continuing to add to my social security benefits.
  • Retail therapy:  Did I say I love to shop.
  • Exercise therapy: I love to exercise and one of my favorite things to do is play tennis.  I am a tennis fanatic, a tennis addict, I love tennis! Therefore, when I get anxious, I play tennis or work out to calm down and relieve stress. Turning Back the Clock – Decrease Your Metabolic Age
  • Pamper therapy:  I will treat myself occasionally to a professional mani/pedi,  However, I indulge in weekly pamper sessions at home:  long baths with essential oils and Epsom salt, home facials with hand and foot treatments.
  • Infrared sauna therapy:  Going to the sauna at least twice a week is great for relaxation and recovery.  

Never feel guilty about taking time for me. Doing so puts you in a better position to help others.