" /> Why not use nutritional shakes instead of vitamins(pills)? - Sandwiched Matriarch and Money
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As our parents get older many illnesses and diseases seem to manifest themselves. As a result, many of our elderly parents find themselves taking pills for numerous ailments:  diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid issues, stroke issues, high cholesterol, dementia, and many other diseases.  When you add needed vitamins (B6, B12, D3, Vitamin E, Vitamin C,  Vitamin A, Vitamin K) on top of necessary pharmaceuticals, a person could end up taking 12 to 20 pills per day.

One way I found to combat this is to add a nutritional shake with most, if not all of the necessary vitamins, to the daily meal plan.  That way, the only pills needed are the pharmaceuticals.  You could cut in half the amount of pills that your parent(s)  must take.  There are many nutritional shakes on the market but the one I use is Daily Nutritional Support by Equi.life.  It’s important to check all of the ingredients and make sure there is only a small amount of sugar (2g). Review the daily serving size of each vitamin contained in the shake to make sure it is sufficient for your parent(s).

To learn more about Equi.life, click this link http://www.sandwichedmatriarchandmoney.com/equilife